Today, the bass windy day when I painted outfit I thought that if my camera fly percent had one to me slika.But tomorrow's competition from science and my goal is to get through to the first Round. That for a couple of days ago I read the internet tests the previous competition.A today I took the book and read it, of course, tonight you continue to read up about 10 PM.As regards outfits in my opinion this is the right outfit for this windy day.Thick warm sweater with rustling trainer ....
Danas je bas vetrovit dan,kada sam slikao autfit mislio sam da ce mi kamera odleteti posto nije imao ko da me slika.Nego sutra je sklosko takmicenje u biologi i cilj mi je da prodjem do bar opsinskog.Tako da vec par dana citam po internetu testove sa predhodnih takmicenja.A danas sam uzeo knjigu i citao,naravno veceras cu nastaviti da citam do jedno 10 sati.Sto se tice outfita po meni je to pravi outfit za ovaj vetroviti dan.Debeli topli duks,sa suskavom trenericom....
Track suit:Nike
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